Tag - service

HCPCS CodesDescription
A9270Non-covered item or service
S5165Home modifications; per service
H0022Alcohol and/or drug intervention service (planned facilitation)
A0999Unlisted ambulance service
S9986Not medically necessary service (patient is aware that service not medically necessary)
T2038Community transition, waiver; per service
A0394Als specialized service disposable supplies; iv drug therapy
H1005Prenatal care, at-risk enhanced service package (includes h1001-h1004)
H0030Behavioral health hotline service
H0032Mental health service plan development by non-physician
S0207Paramedic intercept, non-hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
S0208Paramedic intercept, hospital-based als service (non-voluntary), non-transport
S5035Home infusion therapy, routine service of infusion device (e.g., pump maintenance)
T2039Vehicle modifications, waiver; per service
T2024Service assessment/plan of care development, waiver