Tag - reporting

HCPCS CodesDescription
G9165Attention functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G9167Attention functional limitation, discharge status at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9629Documented medical reasons for not reporting bowel injury (e.g., gynecologic or other pelvic malignancy documented, planned (e.g., not due to an unexpected bowel injury) resection and/or re-anastomosis of bowel, or patient death from non-medical causes not related to surgery, patient died during procedure without evidence of bowel injury)
G8981Changing & maintaining body position functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8983Changing & maintaining body position functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9282Documentation of medical reason(s) for not reporting the histological type or nsclc-nos classification with an explanation (e.g., biopsy taken for other purposes in a patient with a history of non-small cell lung cancer or other documented medical reasons)
G9288Documentation of medical reason(s) for not reporting the histological type or nsclc-nos classification with an explanation (e.g., a solitary fibrous tumor in a person with a history of non-small cell carcinoma or other documented medical reasons)
G9161Spoken language comprehension functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9159Spoken language comprehension functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8984Carrying, moving & handling objects functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G9626Documented medical reason for not reporting bladder injury (e.g., gynecologic or other pelvic malignancy documented, concurrent surgery involving bladder pathology, injury that occurs during a urinary incontinence procedure, patient death from non-medical causes not related to surgery, patient died during procedure without evidence of bladder injury)
G9164Spoken language expression functional limitation, discharge status at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9162Spoken language expression functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G0049With maintenance hemodialysis (in-center and home hd) for the complete reporting month
G9176Other speech language pathology functional limitation, discharge status at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9400Documentation of medical or patient reason(s) for not discussing treatment options; medical reasons: patient is not a candidate for treatment due to advanced physical or mental health comorbidity (including active substance use); currently receiving antiviral treatment; successful antiviral treatment (with sustained virologic response) prior to reporting period; other documented medical reasons; patient reasons: patient unable or unwilling to participate in the discussion or other patient reasons
G8986Carrying, moving & handling objects functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G8978Mobility: walking & moving around functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8980Mobility: walking & moving around functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9174Other speech language pathology functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8993Other physical or occupational therapy subsequent functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8987Self care functional limitation, current status, at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G9168Memory functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8999Motor speech functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G8996Swallowing functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G0051Patients under hospice care in the current reporting month
G0052Patients on peritoneal dialysis for any portion of the reporting month
G9454One-time screening for hcv infection not received within 12-month reporting period and no documentation of prior screening for hcv infection, reason not given
G9383Patient received screening for hcv infection within the 12 month reporting period
G0248Demonstration, prior to initiation of home inr monitoring, for patient with either mechanical heart valve(s), chronic atrial fibrillation, or venous thromboembolism who meets medicare coverage criteria, under the direction of a physician; includes: face-to-face demonstration of use and care of the inr monitor, obtaining at least one blood sample, provision of instructions for reporting home inr test results, and documentation of patient's ability to perform testing and report results
M1269Receiving esrd mcp dialysis services by the provider on the last day of the reporting month
G9386Screening for hcv infection not received within the 12 month reporting period, reason not given
G8995Other physical or occupational therapy subsequent functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9158Motor speech functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G9170Memory functional limitation, discharge status at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G8998Swallowing functional limitation, discharge status, at discharge from therapy or to end reporting
G8928Adjuvant chemotherapy not prescribed or previously received, for documented reasons (e.g., medical co-morbidities, diagnosis date more than 5 years prior to the current visit date, patient's diagnosis date is within 120 days of the end of the 12 month reporting period, patient's cancer has metastasized, medical contraindication/allergy, poor performance status, other medical reasons, patient refusal, other patient reasons, patient is currently enrolled in a clinical trial that precludes prescription of chemotherapy, other system reasons)
G9632Documented medical reasons for not reporting ureter injury (e.g., gynecologic or other pelvic malignancy documented, concurrent surgery involving bladder pathology, injury that occurs during a urinary incontinence procedure, patient death from non-medical causes not related to surgery, patient died during procedure without evidence of ureter injury)
G9171Voice functional limitation, current status at therapy episode outset and at reporting intervals
G9173Voice functional limitation, discharge status at discharge from therapy or to end reporting