Tag - recent

HCPCS CodesDescription
G8595Most recent ldl-c < 100 mg/dl
G8597Most recent ldl-c >= 100 mg/dl
G9788Most recent bp is less than or equal to 140/90 mm hg
G0908Most recent hemoglobin (hgb) level > 12.0 g/dl
G0910Most recent hemoglobin level <= 12.0 g/dl
G2089Most recent hemoglobin a1c (hba1c) level 7.0 to 9.0%
G8973Most recent hemoglobin (hgb) level < 10 g/dl
G8976Most recent hemoglobin (hgb) level >= 10 g/dl
M1211Most recent hemoglobin a1c level > 9.0%
G8886Most recent blood pressure under control
G8754Most recent diastolic blood pressure < 90 mmhg
G8755Most recent diastolic blood pressure >= 90 mmhg
G8752Most recent systolic blood pressure < 140 mmhg
G8753Most recent systolic blood pressure >= 140 mmhg
G8890Most recent ldl-c under control, results documented and reviewed
G8893Most recent ldl-c not under control, results documented and reviewed
G9791Most recent tobacco status is tobacco free
G9792Most recent tobacco status is not tobacco free