G9434 | Asthma not well-controlled based on the act, c-act, acq, or ataq score, or specified asthma control tool not used, reason not given |
G9215 | Cd4+ cell count or percentage not documented as performed, reason not given |
G8940 | Screening for depression documented as positive, a follow-up plan not completed, documented reason |
G8428 | Current list of medications not documented as obtained, updated, or reviewed by the eligible clinician, reason not given |
G8841 | Sleep apnea symptoms not assessed, reason not given |
G8724 | Pt category, pn category and histologic grade were not documented in the pathology report, reason not given |
G8698 | Antithrombotic therapy was not prescribed at discharge, reason not given |
M1203 | Ace inhibitor or arb therapy not prescribed during the measurement period, reason not given |
G9620 | Patient not screened for uterine malignancy, or those that have not had an ultrasound and/or endometrial sampling of any kind, reason not given |
G9352 | More than one ct scan of the paranasal sinuses ordered or received within 90 days after the date of diagnosis, reason not given |
G9348 | Ct scan of the paranasal sinuses ordered at the time of diagnosis for documented reasons |