Tag - guideline

HCPCS CodesDescription
G9056Oncology; practice guidelines; management adheres to guidelines (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9061Oncology; practice guidelines; patient's condition not addressed by available guidelines (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9059Oncology; practice guidelines; management differs from guidelines because the patient, after being offered treatment consistent with guidelines, has opted for alternative treatment or management, including no treatment (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9058Oncology; practice guidelines; management differs from guidelines because the treating physician disagrees with guideline recommendations (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9060Oncology; practice guidelines; management differs from guidelines for reason(s) associated with patient comorbid illness or performance status not factored into guidelines (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9062Oncology; practice guidelines; management differs from guidelines for other reason(s) not listed (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)
G9347Follow-up recommendations not documented according to recommended guidelines for incidentally detected pulmonary nodules, reason not given
G9345Follow-up recommendations documented according to recommended guidelines for incidentally detected pulmonary nodules (e.g., follow-up ct imaging studies needed or that no follow-up is needed) based at a minimum on nodule size and patient risk factors
G9057Oncology; practice guidelines; management differs from guidelines as a result of patient enrollment in an institutional review board approved clinical trial (for use in a medicare-approved demonstration project)