Tag - condition

HCPCS CodesDescription
G9670All quality actions for the applicable measures in the multiple chronic conditions measures group have been performed for this patient
G9669I intend to report the multiple chronic conditions measures group
G9361Medical indication for delivery by cesarean birth or induction of labor (<39 weeks of gestation) [documentation of reason(s) for elective delivery (e.g., hemorrhage and placental complications, hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia, rupture of membranes (premature or prolonged), maternal conditions complicating pregnancy/delivery, fetal conditions complicating pregnancy/delivery, late pregnancy, prior uterine surgery, or participation in clinical trial)]
G9140Frontier extended stay clinic demonstration; for a patient stay in a clinic approved for the cms demonstration project; the following measures should be present: the stay must be equal to or greater than 4 hours; weather or other conditions must prevent transfer or the case falls into a category of monitoring and observation cases that are permitted by the rules of the demonstration; there is a maximum frontier extended stay clinic (fesc) visit of 48 hours, except in the case when weather or other conditions prevent transfer; payment is made on each period up to 4 hours, after the first 4 hours