Tag - clinician

HCPCS CodesDescription
G8531Clinician documented that patient was not an eligible candidate for autogenous av fistula
G8416Clinician documented that patient was not an eligible candidate for footwear evaluation measure
G8634Clinician documented patient not an eligible candidate to receive pharmacologic therapy for osteoporosis
G0038Clinician determines patient does not require referral
G9939Pathologists/dermatopathologists is the same clinician who performed the biopsy
G8807Trans-abdominal or trans-vaginal ultrasound not performed for reasons documented by clinician (e.g., patient has a documented intrauterine pregnancy [iup])
G8810Rh-immunoglobulin (rhogam) not ordered for reasons documented by clinician (e.g., patient had prior documented receipt of rhogam within 12 weeks, patient refusal)
G8884Clinician documented reason that patient's biopsy results were not reviewed