Tag - before

HCPCS CodesDescription
S4018Frozen embryo transfer procedure cancelled before transfer, case rate
G2151Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1107Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1112Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1117Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1122Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1127Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1131Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
M1137Documentation stating patient has a diagnosis of a degenerative neurological condition such as als, ms, or parkinson's diagnosed at any time before or during the episode of care
S4020In vitro fertilization procedure cancelled before aspiration, case rate
G9772Documentation of medical reason(s) for not achieving at least 1 body temperature measurement equal to or greater than 35.5 degrees celsius (or 95.9 degrees fahrenheit) within the 30 minutes immediately before or 15 minutes immediately after anesthesia end time (e.g., emergency cases, intentional hypothermia, etc.)
G9771At least 1 body temperature measurement equal to or greater than 35.5 degrees celsius (or 95.9 degrees fahrenheit) achieved within the 30 minutes immediately before or 15 minutes immediately after anesthesia end time
G9773At least 1 body temperature measurement equal to or greater than 35.5 degrees celsius (or 95.9 degrees fahrenheit) not achieved within the 30 minutes immediately before or 15 minutes immediately after anesthesia end time, reason not given
L0490Tlso, sagittal-coronal control, one piece rigid plastic shell, with overlapping reinforced anterior, with multiple straps and closures, posterior extends from sacrococcygeal junction and terminates at or before the t-9 vertebra, anterior extends from symphysis pubis to xiphoid, anterior opening, restricts gross trunk motion in sagittal and coronal planes, prefabricated, includes fitting and adjustment
G9502Documentation of medical reason for not performing foot exam (i.e., patients who have had either a bilateral amputation above or below the knee, or both a left and right amputation above or below the knee before or during the measurement period)
M1329Patients with a post-operative encounter of the eye with the acute pvd within 2 weeks before the initial encounter or 8 weeks after initial acute pvd encounter
M1334Patients with a post-operative encounter of the eye with the acute pvd within 2 weeks before the initial encounter or 2 weeks after initial acute pvd encounter
G9840Ras (kras and nras) gene mutation testing performed before initiation of anti-egfr moab
G9841Ras (kras and nras) gene mutation testing not performed before initiation of anti-egfr moab