Tag - agent

HCPCS CodesDescription
C7554Cystourethroscopy with adjunctive blue light cystoscopy with fluorescent imaging agent
G6028Anoscopy, high resolution (hra) (with magnification and chemical agent enhancement); with biopsy(ies)
G9609Documentation of an order for anti-platelet agents
G9611Order for anti-platelet agents was not documented in the patient's record, reason not given
G9957Documentation of medical reason for not receiving combination therapy consisting of at least two prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively (e.g., intolerance or other medical reason)
G9956Patient received combination therapy consisting of at least two prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively
G9958Patient did not receive combination therapy consisting of at least two prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively
G9776Documentation of medical reason for not receiving at least 2 prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively (e.g., intolerance or other medical reason)
G9775Patient received at least 2 prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively
G9777Patient did not receive at least 2 prophylactic pharmacologic anti-emetic agents of different classes preoperatively and/or intraoperatively
G9610Documentation of medical reason(s) in the patient's record for not ordering anti-platelet agents