2024 HCPCS Code L5991
Addition to lower extremity prostheses, osseointegrated external prosthetic connector
TAGS: osseointegrated lower external prosthetic addition extremity connector
Short Description | Low pros ext osseo connector |
HCPCS Coverage Code | C - Carrier judgment |
HCPCS Action Code | N - No maintenance for this code |
HCPCS Action Effective Date | October 01, 2023 |
HCPCS Code Added Date | October 01, 2023 |
HCPCS Pricing Indicator Code | 38 - Orthotics, prosthetics, prosthetic devices & vision services (price subject to floors and ceilings) |
HCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code | A - Not applicable as HCPCS priced under one methodology |
HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number | |
HCPCS Type Of Service Code | P - Lump sum purchase of DME, prosthetics, orthotics |
HCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity | 0 |
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