2024 HCPCS Code G8660
Residual score for the low back impairment successfully calculated and the score was less than zero (< 0)
TAGS: score successfully calculated residual impairment
Short Description | Rafscrs lbi scor < 0 |
HCPCS Coverage Code | C - Carrier judgment |
HCPCS Action Code | N - No maintenance for this code |
HCPCS Action Effective Date | January 01, 2023 |
HCPCS Code Added Date | January 01, 2011 |
HCPCS Pricing Indicator Code | 00 - Service not separately priced by part B (e.G., services not covered, bundled, used by part a only, etc.) |
HCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code | 9 - Not applicable as HCPCS not priced separately by part B (pricing indicator is 00) or value is not established (pricing indicator is '99') |
HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number | |
HCPCS Type Of Service Code | 1 - Medical care |
HCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity | 0 |
Check Similar HCPCS Codes
- G9782 - Hx dx fam/pure hypercholes
- G9783 - Doc dx dm, fast <70, no stat
- G9784 - Path/derm prov 2nd biop opin
- G9785 - Path report sent
- G9786 - Path report not sent
- G9787 - Pt alive
- G9788 - Most rct bp </= 140/90
- G9789 - Record bp ip, er, urg/self
- G9790 - Most rct bp >/= 140/90
- G9791 - Most rct tob stat free
- G9792 - Most rct tob stat not free
- G9793 - Pt on daily asa/antiplat
- G9794 - Doc med rsn no daily aspirin
- G9795 - Pt no daily asa/antiplat
- G9796 - Pt not currently on statin
- G9797 - Pt currently on statin
- G9798 - D/c ami btw 7/1-6/30 meas pd
- G9799 - Med disp evt indic hx asth
- G9800 - Pt id intol/alleg beta-block
- G9801 - Nonacut transf from inpt