2024 HCPCS Code E2329
Power wheelchair accessory, head control interface, contact switch mechanism, nonproportional, including all related electronics, mechanical stop switch, mechanical direction change switch, head array, and fixed mounting hardware
TAGS: contact mounting mechanical direction power hardware wheelchair control switch
Short Description | Head control nonproportional |
HCPCS Coverage Code | C - Carrier judgment |
HCPCS Action Code | N - No maintenance for this code |
HCPCS Action Effective Date | April 01, 2014 |
HCPCS Code Added Date | January 01, 2004 |
HCPCS Pricing Indicator Code | 36 - Capped rental DME (price subject to floors and ceilings) |
HCPCS Multiple Pricing Indicator Code | A - Not applicable as HCPCS priced under one methodology |
HCPCS Coverage Issues Manual Reference Section Number | |
HCPCS Type Of Service Code | A - Used durable medical equipment (DME) |
HCPCS Anesthesia Base Unit Quantity | 0 |
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